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News About KoRn and Brian "Head" Welch

This is Updating news on KoRn all the news is from a reliable source so its all true.

News on KoRn no longer on homepage 03-22-05 Click on this link to see all new KoRn news  http://www.kornrocks.1colony.com/corkboard/index.html and also feel free to add new news i might not have on there.

Jonathan Davis to star on The Still Life 03-11-05 Jonathan Davis will be in the new movie coming out soon called The Still Life the movie is going to come out sometime this year.

Info on KoRn's 8th album 03-11-05 Acording to Jonathan Davis who was on KoRn KoRner tonight recording commences April 11th 26 songs have been written (for which demos are currently being recorded) and 20 songs will appear on the cd

Brian "Head" Welch has a new song 03-10-05 Brian "Head" Welch has a new song that he made on his website to download for free yes it is a christian song but you'd be surprised its pretty heavy and a great song if you want to download it for free click on this link www.headtochrist.com/cry.mp3 the song is actually called Kry with a k like KoRn anywayz theres the link so download it its a great song.


This Site is dedicated to Brian "Head" Welch

This site is dedicated to a great guitarist Brian "Head" Welch who has left.KoRn due to christianity and we all respect Brian leaving so this site is dedicated to Brian "Head" Welch a great guitarist.

This is dedicated to Brian "Head" Welch
The Former KoRn Guitarist Brian "Head" Welch left 02-22-05 according to KoRn's managment on www.KoRn.com it says "KoRn has Parted ways with formal guitarist Brian "Head" Welch, who has chosen the lord Jesus Christ as his savior, and will be dedicating his musical persuites to that end.  KoRn respects Brian's wishes and hopes he finds the happiness he is searching for.  Jonathan, Fieldy, James, and David are personally closer than ever, and are currently in the studio working on their 8th record, the follow up to their highly successful Greatest Hits album.  the record is due to be released this coming September".  Also Brian "Head" Welch now has his own site with music clips of his testimonies on www.headtochrist.com so check it out.
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KoRn's 8th Album Info

KoRn has made tons of albums in the past but whats big right now is KoRn's 8th album due to come out in early September according to Jonathan Davis KoRn's vocal singer its going to be heavy as usual but with a little hip hop in there more news will come up about this when it develops.

Former KoRn guitarist Brian "Head" Welch

This is Brian "Head" Welch fromal KoRn guitarist